Friday, August 3, 2012

High Five for Friday!

Friday, let's get something going here.
It's been an odd week.  I think Claire is getting a new set of teeth (I don't think, I know, but whatever).  Also I only have a week left of not working.  So I've been sad about things because no offense to my wonderful job or great students or this new blessed opportunity... but I really like being around for my kid.  This is the guilt they talk about for working moms, I guess. Don't forget to Link up with Lauren with your own weekly adventures!

So lets see some highlights of this week:

1.  We had another overnight!  This time at my mom's house and it was really successful.  Claire had a lot of fun and I feel like every time I'm not being fun enough she name drops and brings out all the cool things Grandma got for her... just to rub it in.

2.  Olympics.  Yup, I'm obsessed.  I'm trying to avoid finding out scores before prime time so I can watch and be surprised, but a couple of times I got so anxious I had to look it up.  I'm most annoyed I can't get one snippet of any of the equestrian events on television.  After Matt told me Dressage was the easiest thing in the Olympics, I've been set to prove him wrong.  Except wouldn't you know it, according to NBC, that isn't even happening.  I mean, it's happening.  Right now.  But you'd never know it.  Thanks, Michael Phelps.  ;)

3.  New china cabinet!  I had this big monstrosity of a china cabinet.  I got it originally to refinish it or paint it or something (painting would have made it match our white/wood furniture).  Unfortunately life happened and I never did.  So I threw it on craigslist and found a buyer.  Then I took that money and bought a new, smaller, nicer one.  I am interested in replacing the hardware but it seems like a bigger undertaking.  It's a lot of glass on top which gives the illusion that it's not taking up much space.  It's also a richer wood color that matches our cabinets (it looks a little light in the photo, sorry).  Now to just get a new table...
And don't worry, I normally don't leave it on/plugged in.  That cord hanging is atrocious, I am aware. 

4.  Potty training!  I read this awesome blog post about how to just immerse ourselves in potty training.  So I created a "potty land" in the kitchen, got all the best toys and play things, got the potty, and locked Claire and I in for some sweet naked potty time (well, I wasn't naked, but she was).  Every 15 minutes or so I'd ask about going, and she'd parade her toys on her potty, complete with making her own version of potty sounds.  After two hours I knew something wasn't working because she hadn't gone although Abby and Puppy had gone several times.  Then she tinkled on the floor.  She got so upset and was beside herself (the blog I'd read didn't make it sound nearly so... tearful) so I cleaned up and got her a popsicle and she requested a diaper and I obliged.  I fully think Claire has the ability to do this--she's shown all the signs and shown interest.  I think the real thing that got to her was that she sees me clean up "messes" a lot, and even though I wasn't mad and didn't say anything, she just took it hard that I was cleaning up her "mess".  So we're back to the talking stage.  My kid might be obsessed with cleanliness.
Adventures in Potty Land.  Little Abby is on her way to the potty.

5.  Cleaning!  Claire and I have to take turns with the dusting "wand".  She's actually dusting things for me (hilarious).  She does a really thorough job, complete with sound effects of cleaning sprays.  So she learned "my turn" because of cleaning... so I could borrow the "wand" to get to all the places she couldn't reach.  Hilarious. 
She dusted the heck out of this... even in the crevices and such.  Like... cleaning skills and wisdom beyond her "year".  So cute!


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