Thursday, September 8, 2011

Claire Turns Ten Months!

Forgive this blog post for being slow.  Unfortunately Claire and I had a little too much fun this summer and one upswing in the car seat brought my back crashing down.  Since I have surgery tomorrow (weee), I figured I'd better go ahead and get this post out.  Claire turned ten months this past Saturday, and she's just been amazing us at how much she's changing.  I decided to upload some of our recent videos instead of pictures--hopefully these aren't too hard to watch (because of jealousy, I'm sure, not the fact I'm terrible at video-taping!)

Currently, she's talking up a storm.  She's got the crawling thing down (and she's so fast), she pulls up on everything and tries to walk around holding on to the couches, the toys, the fire place... oh anywhere she can get.  She loves to go "adventuring" with Mamma, crawling together through the house.  She also cracked me up by crawling into her room and climbing into her old baby tub she doesn't use.  She got in and seemed surprised there was no water to play in!

Claire's talking is really what is entertaining me.  She's said "mamma" (I have video evidence of her crawling to me and saying this) but that's old news.  The new hot word right now is "daddy".  Everything is "daddy".  Daddy of course is "daddy", but dirty diapers are also "daddy" as well as food, mommy, and many toys.  She also says the word "book" which is sweet because she sort of whispers it out.  We couldn't tell for a while if she was saying "look" or "book" but daycare has confirmed "book" is definitely a word she can say.  She also learned "uh-oh" during the original back accident back in August.  SOO glad I didn't say something else! 

Claire has eight teeth now (did I mention that?).  She's grown rather hard to diaper change, dress, give medicine to, wipe her nose... oh... she doesn't like any of that.  She DOES like finger foods and will refuse to eat anything else until she gets her snackys.  We've also learned on the homemade snacky home front that frozen carrots can catch fire in a microwave because of the minerals in them.  True story.  But she really likes those, greeny beenies, and all her fancy Gerber snacks that we can't help but buy her, too.  She's eating "stage 3" baby food plus the Gerber finger foods.  I've made her chunkier baby food, too, but without succeeding in making meats she'll eat, I've been breaking down to buy more and make less.  Couponing helps!

Of course Claire is a doll--I've been having so much fun with her new outfits and new toys.  She's so much more aware and active now. I really feel like I'm interacting with her so much more now.  It's nice to get that loving feed-back.  Her grin is too cute!  It totally makes up for the fact that right now her "loving feed-back" is telling me "daddy"!


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