Saturday, July 28, 2012


Around our house...
We are learning to count!

Claire has been obsessed with counting lately!  My dad plays games with her that involve a "one, two, three" followed by tickling or flying or something else that will make her laugh.  Then Claire is exposed to about an hour of Sesame Street a day, and lately those episodes have all featured counting (and thankfully they have been low numbers).  So then Claire got these books as a special present from me, and she immediately pulled them out and started counting them.  She's pretty good, although the number four gets skipped sometimes (which is funny because one of our "favorite" Street episodes has a whole feature on this).  

She can count to five many times, grabbing up all five books she's pulled out and then trying to put them back to recount.  I've really embraced just working on whatever she's interested in, so now we're all about counting everything.  Unfortunately a lot of things are in pairs, so we hear a lot of "two"s around here.  And when you ask her how old she is, she insists she's two, not one.  Silly girl, she'll learn eventually we never lie about our age to make us seem OLDER. 

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