Friday, July 20, 2012

High Five for Friday!

Friday!  Just what I needed!  Are you linking up with Lauren yet at From My Grey Desk?  Just a darn good blog to read, if you ask me.  But enough about Lauren, back to ME!  (:

Here's what we're celebrating this week:

PINTEREST!  I finally stopped pinning and started doing.  My friend Anne and I had a little Pinterest get together.  We made crafties and ate good food.  These were my contributions:

Crayon wreath for classroom.  Learned how to make fabric scrap flowers, as well.  Learned a lot about how hot hot glue really is... OUCH!

Cookies and cream cupcakes (I pinned it, and looks just like these, so you can find the recipe).  These turned out delicious.  I want another one right now.  Darn me for giving so many away!

Blue Walls!  Matt and I had a lapse in good judgement and responsibility, left the kid on an overnight, and painted the entire living room and hallway blue.  I like it. But it is blue.  It's pretty.  And it does make everything look bigger.  We're not completely finished with upgrades around here... we just never have time.  But we have blue walls!
Do the blue walls make my fireplace look fat?  We actually thought it kind of helped make it look smaller. 
Reading!  I love how Claire doesn't really discriminate who she reads to or who she expects to read to her.  She brought her favorite book (the Monster at the End of this Book book) over to Wally and told him where to sit then started showing him all the pages and talking about it, kind of like reading.  She knows the pages to make a big fuss because I read it to her so often... so when it would get to a page where there is "intense" language, she would yell "WHOA" first.  Hilarious.  I think Wally actually enjoyed watching this.
People might make fun of Wally, but look at that guy.  He looks interested and everything.  Too cute.  You can tell he really loves her.
Yogurt!  I eat yogurt every day.  No big deal.  Claire has been going through an awful stage where she doesn't really eat anything.  We tried yogurt again this week (it went from the happy food to the bad food list a while ago).  Thankfully it was a hit, so Claire got to eat lunch.  Not so thankfully, Claire decided she could use a spoon.
Before you suggest giving Claire toddler spoons... you do understand that she doesn't BELIEVE she's a baby and only wants to use the stuff she sees Mommy and Daddy use, right?
Spaghetti!  We've been so carb deprived, when the option of... would you eat spaghetti? came up for dinner the other night, I jumped on it.  We made a ton for left overs and of course, Claire.  Claire who looked like this.  A theme this week... eating disasters?   Thankfully I had to give her a bath the next day anyway, so she had a nice evening bath and I had some help!  And now I have to clean the white bathtub that bath took place in... and I swear it looks orange this morning.  Whoops!

 The spaghetti was this good. 
All in all it was a great week!  Next week we have company coming, so I'm super excited for a whole bunch of new adventures.  Stay tuned! (and check out Lauren @ From My Grey Desk while you're at it!)

1 comment:

  1. i like the blue walls. it makes people inside the room calmer and the whole ambiance relaxing :)

    jen @



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