Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy Friday, Y'All!

Lauren will be so proud... I'm still gonna post a H54Friday and I'm doing it at almost 9 o'clock at night!  I have SO much to be thankful for, though, I just had to get it in.  Remember to visit Lauren's blog @ From My Grey Desk and if you're blogging too, why not link up while you're there?
Alright, here we go!

1.  Since it helps set up the week--my dad has been out of town.  Out of the country even.  He took his Goldwing all the way to Alaska and back with some friends.  How awesome is that?  He saw all sorts of cool stuff, but we really missed him.  Here's one "person" who missed him--this is my favorite cow who I have since named #17.  Aptly named, #17 is distinguishable by her unyielding love of grain and her ear tag, which says #17 (and yes, she has horns).  She totally thinks I'm cool after I got her some grain.
2.  "Oh Geez, Peoples!"  This is baby cow.  Baby cow was so excited to see me (ironically on the day they'd escaped their pasture--like, he SHOULD have run the other way) and he looked like he was going to jump into my arms.  "Peoples!  They know where the grain is!"  And I do.
3.  And Papa got home.  Thank goodness!  We've missed him!  So this is Claire throwing herself at him.  He brought home a very realistic wolf puppet (he's almost scary looking) from Alaska.  Claire thinks it's a puppy and she'll snuggle up with it and say "awwww".  So.  I guess he's not that scary after all.  Imagine my surprise, since we have to hide her Murry from Sesame Street because he scares her.  But this came from Papa, so, "awwww!"
4.  I went back to work!  I can't express how blessed I am to have such a wonderful job.  I have wonderful new students and I'm so excited about these age groups.  I'm not kidding--this is a dream job.  (I blocked out the name, sorry).
5.  Folgers Coffee.  I am not a morning person.  Even though I woke up every day at 6 a.m. anyway, for some reason, when I'm waking up to actually present myself as opposed to waking up just to function, I get really really tired.  So this is my new best friend.  We don't go anywhere without each other.  I'm not kidding, I take a huge cup with me, and I practically lick it clean every day.  I need coffee. 
So that's my week in a nutshell!  I've been super busy and just haven't had the camera in my hand, but I'm hoping this weekend to spend some extra special time with Claire and get my Project 52 squared away (late).  I've already got next week's photo planned.  Unfortunately, I've only got a few days to catch up on this week!  Hope you've had a good week, too!  Share, share!


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