Friday, August 10, 2012

The LAST Friday! High Five!

The last Friday... the very last.  Unless I get very talented, I don't know that I'll be doing H54F anymore because I'll be back to working.  I know I could do this Thursday night... so we shall see.  Make sure you're following Lauren @ From My Grey Desk because even if I fall behind, she always has her post nice and ready to read!

Here we go!

1.  Wally snuggles!  We've been developing a new Olympic sport.  The snuggle olympics!!  And if that was truly a real sport, we'd win, because no one snuggles like Wally.  This is him fast asleep on my lap.  This is where you'll find him every evening before bed.
2.  My classroom has been coming along.  I have a swank new building and swank new classroom.  I've never had such a nice room, so I didn't want to muck it up.  I took a page from the other teachers and decided to use some fabric to give my room a splash of color.  This is my desk area.  What you see covered by fabric is actually just a table and a small bookshelf.  But it looks like I have two desks and gives me a place to stash boxes since I'm still not completely moved in.  I love the little owl on top of the books on my desk.  I also have my crayon wreath above my desk.
Excuse the excessive mess on the desk.  The top of the bookshelf has become a stapling station for paper turn-in.  I hung the purple lantern, the flowers are pens, the purse won't stay up there.  The owl is right under the wreath (which is up in the corner).  And the calendar is delicious.  Because it's Tony Stewart. 
3.  My reading area of my classroom.  I inherited a rough looking couch when I moved into this classroom, so I covered it with a sheet (I tried to make it really fancy, but wouldn't you know it, the staple gun wouldn't work on this).  I also bought a fancy wacky colored lamp.  Unseen in this (for a reason) is my redo of the very ugly bookshelf.  Which is still kind of ugly, but again, from a distance, it's juuuust fine.

And... notice all those computers?  There are more!  I have a lab right in my room!  I'm so excited!
4.  READ!  This is my book shelf to store textbooks and reference books.  I took my regular border strips and put it around the sides just for a splash a color, and the letters are made from the cardboard letters at Hobby Lobby, some scrapbook paper, and Mod Podge.  I SHOULD have made a "write" one, but when I put the letters together it looked so weird so I just stuck with "read."
This is in the back of my room.  The white board will be for a weekly list of what's up (this pic was taken before I finished it yesterday).  I've got plastic containers hung for handouts now, it's divided in 3 sections for each grade.  Also the lone desk is my "safe seat".  If I get really adventurous, I'll get the folder put up with a sheet to fill out about behavior.  That's a big IF. 
5.  Free Printables!  Like this?  It cost $4.  I bought $1 frames at the Dollar Tree and I found some inspiring free printables on Pinterest.  I thought these were super cute.  I did group them instead of spreading them out all around the room.  Not without purpose... notice there are some markers strapped to the wall?  Those go to the Mimio board.  And these nice white walls have some smudges that I can't clean.  So I covered a bunch of them up.  I also bought some stick on wall borders (the pink and green circles) and they cover a lot of the mess, too.  Yay!
I'm probably most proud of this area.  This is where I'll be spending all my time so I'm pleased that there are some lovely messages up right here... and I think it looks super sharp, especially considering the price.  I'm going to get into printables.  Watch out, bathroom, you're next!

BONUS:  This is my Miss Sassy-Pants.  She now takes her breakfast at the big girl table.  Only. I'll miss my little girl.  I think that's the hardest part about this being our last Friday.  I just want to sit here all day and stare at her.  That won't be very productive though!

We talk a lot in the morning.  This is a particularly sassy face as she's telling me about what we will and won't do on this day.  Hilarious.

So that's my week!  I really hope I can manage to keep this going even though I'm back to work!  I need to learn to take more pictures, because there were lots of awesome things this week.  My new school community is awesome and I'm very blessed to be a part of it--hopefully I can catch THAT in pictures next week.  Then you can be jealous of my super cool job!  ;)  Happy Friday!


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