Monday, June 18, 2012

June Birchbox!

Whoohoo!  This month's Birchbox was extra awesome!  I tell you what, after some hit or miss items, this was a refreshing change of pace (Birchbox, are you reading my blog?  If so--mascara... hint hint).

What did I get this month?
1.  John Varvatos Star U.S.A (retail $55)(not pictured)--This was a surprise for MATT!  He snatched the sample up immediately (so for all of you who thinks he hates my Birchbox, he doesn't, he stands right there checking out all my stuff and when he found out something was his it was in his hot hands so fast I didn't even get to take its picture).  This is a manly manly cologne and a great smell.  I'd already bought cologne for him for Father's Day... but when that runs out... this?
2.  Yu-Be Moisturizing Skin Cream (retail $16)--This is Carmex.  I don't understand the difference, except I guess you can put it on your skin.  It's really too heavy for face (although it says its for the face).  I use it like Carmex, because it is Carmex, I swear, someone's trying to trick me here.
3.  Eyeko Skinny Liquid Liner (retail $15)--WINNER!  I'm buying this and never looking back!  I love me some black eyeliner, and I get these pencils that I have to sharpen or those crayon push up things that get dry or break apart... this goes on like a marker and is perfect.  LOVE.
4.  theBalm cosmetics Stainiac-lip stain in Beauty Queen (retail $17)--I've never used lip stain.  Probably because it sounds so permanent and I don't really like to mess with my lips.  This looks crazy (look at that color in the picture!) SO I figured it was a bust--turns out the color is amazing and lovely and long lasting.  I'd get it... I'm tempted... but I just don't think I'll wear it that much.  Maybe I will.  I don't know.  Right now I'm enjoying it.
5.  Band-Aid Brand Adhesive Gandages with Cynthia Rowley designs (retail $14)--someone knows I need Band-aids a lot!  These are beautiful and it was a very generous box.  I doubt I'd splurge on these for myself (Claire's princess Band-aids work just fine for me) but I'm excited to take these to work so I look super cool every time I get a nasty paper cut!
6.  Melvita Floral Water (retail $22)--this stuff is great!  I have the rose scent.  It freshens up your face and kind of dries up the shiny.  I don't know how that works, but I love this.  I'll buy more, definitely.  This sample is going in my purse and/or in my desk once school starts up again.  It's refreshing, it smells great and feels great, and it really does make a difference in my skin.  Right now I'm just using it so I don't have to put on make up right out of the shower (because otherwise  my skin feels weird so then I have to wash my face AGAIN and put on make-up--now I don't have to!)

So I got six great things this time!  A lot of stuff I could see me using in the future, too!  Are you Birchboxing yet?  These samples are so fun, and when you get a good box like this (what appears to be a full-size eyeliner, a box of 20 Band-aids, a lip stain that at the rate I'm using it will still be here next year...) it's totally worth it!  I've learned a lot of beauty tricks and tried a lot of products admittedly I'd have never even considered for myself... and now look--I'm back in good graces with liquid eyeliner (thank the make-up gods!), I've got an awesome summer foundation, I have clean brushes, and lots of cool perfume samples and nail polishes... so worth it!  It makes me feel like a girly girl.  Want the same feeling?  Sign up for your own at  ! (remember I sent you!)

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