Friday, June 22, 2012

High Five for Friday!

Friday!  It's about time!
Well, thanks to lovely Instagram, I've got my week of shout-outs in fine form!  I'm loving this project.  I constantly keep count in my  head of how many pictures I have for my week!  (and even though I'm behind on posting my Project 52, I have those pictures, too... I just have a special camera that is retaining one of my photos and I need to make an effort to find the cord).  Remember to link up with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk for this fun blog idea!

1.  Turt McGurt!  I jog every morning with Claire and Monday as we zoomed back to our driveway, I saw this little guy out in the road.  We have a turtle that seems to have made his home around here (I'm fairly sure HE is several turtles that frequent our yard).  Anyway, we've dubbed the turtles all "Turt McGurt".  I saw this guy and I had to save him, so I put him in Turt's stomping grounds by the front bushes and he went right in, so I'm thinking he's familiar with the area.  Do you save turtles?  I try to when I can!

2.  Bath time!  Mogwai is our lovely Pekingese (shelter adopted).  His eyes are bad thanks to poor treatment in his previous life, but he's just the sweetest dog.  He's basically the closest thing to a cat you'll find if you don't want a real cat.  He got a bath and brush out this week--he looks like a super model now.  And he knows it.  Such a sweet face though!

3.  Sesame Street!  Claire requests in the afternoon on her lazy days to watch "STREEEEEET!"  Since the dogs have been upstairs all week now (which is lovely and giving ME a break) I think they also appreciate Street time, because Claire stops and watches.  This is Wally, our Pug, enjoying some much needed rest, while Claire enjoys her Street.

4.  The Sun!  The Flowers!  The Shades!  Claire has become quite the walking diva.  She wants her sunglasses, she wants flowers (flowers are usually weeds--I pick a lot of Queen Ann's Lace for her).  And... it's been stinkin' hot for all my jogging and all our afternoon walks.  So, this is Claire, staying cool.  Take it both ways.

5.  Zucchini bread!  The early bird usually gets the worm, but in my case I got a bunch of free zucchini from a neighbor!  I decided to make zucchini bread, one of my favorite things, and spent yesterday giving loaves away to both of our moms, the sweet neighbor lady, and one of Matt's coworkers.  Yum!

Great week!  Keep it up, June!


  1. Your dog is adorable! I love zucchini bread, yum!

  2. Oh thanks! Sorry, I missed this comment!



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