Friday, June 8, 2012

High Five for Friday!

It's about to get all Rebecca Black in here, because it's "Friday, Friday!"

I'm linking up with Lauren@From My Grey Desk Blog again this week to celebrate another good week as a stay at home mom!

Okay, let's here it for...
1.  Trying new things!  Claire and I attended a fun free music class at the library this week!  She enjoyed watching the other older kids and playing with her sticks.  Although Claire had some "toddler moments", no human was hit by a stick this day.  So it was a good day.

2.  Dr. Jarts!  I got my shipment this week and all week have had amazing skin!  I've raved on this (from my Birchbox!) but it really is the BEST light foundation coverage for summer!  It has SPF 25, a serum to make my skin happy, moisturizer, and a tint that acts (and covers) like foundation.  My skin feels great and looks great!  I'm in love.

3.  Reading!  Claire has been so obsessed with books and reading.  She likes to go through and look for things she can identify (colors, flowers, puppies, bugs, fish... it goes on and on).  So fun!
4.  Weight loss!  I can has loss of weight?  I couldn't weigh today because Husband left scale at work for THEIR weigh in challenge, but I've been losing weight, and so has he!  The good old fashioned way--walking and not eating anything ever.  ;)  I eat, I eat.  I'm really hoping when I weigh in tomorrow I'm officially down 13 lbs.  Maybe 14.  But beggars can't be choosers... I'll take whatever the scale gives me.  (seriously though, 14 lbs, scale).

5.  Friday walks with Wally!  I'm really enjoying getting the two little dogs around Claire more.  Mostly because they have the energy I don't and can entertain her while I take a break!  We have two little ones--Wally the pug and Mogwai (Mogy) the pekingese.  Mogy can't go on walks with us because pekingese aren't really built for doing any kind of endurance or walking activity--If I could find our carrier or somehow get him to stay in the stroller WITH Claire, he could go.  Otherwise, I'd be carrying him after the first 20 or so feet.  But Wally enjoys getting out and I enjoy wearing him out a little so he can chill upstairs all day (because maybe I have an ADHD kid AND pug).  All three of my "children" are napping right now.  This is a very good thing! 

Are you celebrating Friday today?  What good things are you happy about?


  1. Found you via High Five for Friday.

    I was the Storytime Lady (Storytime Goddess just never caught on!) for the past seven years. It warms my heart to see your little one loving books!

  2. I have heard GREAT things about Dr. Jarts - I'll have to try them soon. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Thank you Sally! and Valorie you should definitely check into the Dr. Jarts. I absolutely love it! What a great Birchbox find!

  4. Dr. Jart's is AWESOME. I ordered some from Birchbox after loving the small sample from my Birchbox. So wonderful! :) Happy weekend!



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