Monday, December 13, 2010

How Time Flies! What I've Figured Out So Far...

Claire will officially be 6 weeks old on Wednesday.  Can't believe it!  I'm sure most people who know me well figured I'd never last.  Well, the teenage years quickly approach (so it seems), so stick around and I'm sure you'll witness many a melt-down.

These are just some of the things I'd never think of or know before I was a Momma.  It's amazing what having Claire has done to my patience, my ability to function on little to no sleep, and my gag reflex!

1.  Sometimes even though I really really love cloth diapering, I wish I'd used a disposable.  Those times are when I'm hunched over the toilet trying to spray out a diaper and questioning whether or not it's a new one or used... therefore it would be okay just to throw it away, right?  Right?

2.  Sometimes ingenuity finds you at your weakest moments... meaning a sleep deprived momma can indeed rig a sleep sack to not block breathing, BUT still hold in the pacifier.  That's skill.

3.  It probably doesn't matter that she's just peed in the bathwater.  I'll call it Eau de Claire.

4.  That Alice in Wonderland movie with Johnny Depp is NOT the movie to watch when you're up all night with a crabby baby watching movies to keep you awake.  I don't know if it was just that terrible or I was just that done with putting up with bullshit.  Not a ringing endorsement, is it?

5. On our most trying days... the baby is clean, neatly dressed in a wonderful outfit, has every feeding in and written down... I on the other hand, haven't showered (or better yet, got in the shower but didn't have a chance to actually break into the soap or shampoo before we started screaming and I had to get out), have formula dried all over me, and can't remember if I've eat or brushed my teeth all day.  The lesson?  Avoid mirrors, it's fine.

6.  Baby socks are such crap.  I mean really.  If I can't manage to wrangle my own socks, my husband can't stay in his socks, how in the world am I expected to keep her socks on her and keep them together after wearing?

7.  Probably an addendum to #5... I think the dried formula grains that I get all over are probably useful for exfoliation.  Don't you think so?  I mean, didn't royalty used to bathe in milk or something?  So... this isn't a far cry for that, is it? 

8.  You never realize how much you don't really need to run to the store to pick up a few things when you also know you have to drag the baby with you.  Don't have one essential ingredient for dinner that would take a max of five minutes to grab at the store?  Frozen pizza for dinner for all!

9.  I bounce and rock so much for the baby, I find myself bouncing and rocking without her.  It's weird.  I look like I have a problem.  I'm hoping to tame this before I go back to work.

10.  And... sleeping to the sounds of a vacuum and hair dryer are soothing to babies.  You can download these tracks of it and have it play all night.  And surprisingly, it helps the dogs and us sleep better!  I don't know how I never noticed this before.  When I was a college and a neighboring apartment would start up their vacuum I'd be so angry.  Now I can't hardly sleep without it!

I've learned plenty more... but these were just fun things that I think of and discuss with Claire all day (we have pretty sophisticated conversations, actually).  In all seriousness, I enjoy being a parent, never thought I'd say that or see the day.  Actually, I never thought I'd see the day I had to wash laundry just to get clean sweat pants... or the day (week) I wouldn't bother with make up or other "essentials" from my pre-baby days.  I wouldn't trade it for the world!  Well... maybe a little eyeliner and mascara wouldn't be out of line to ask for!

1 comment:

  1. I saw your comment about spraying diapers. I also cloth diaper and totally understand the hassle of spraying. Let me recommend a disposable liner. Just dump that with the poop right in the toilet. It saves on frustration.



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