Sunday, December 26, 2010

Claire's First Christmas!

A Very Grinchy Christmas indeed!

Claire tries for her Grinchiest expression.
Claire's first Christmas was a very successful one.  Even though we had to travel to FOUR different places, she behaved quite well.  However, this year taught us that it will be the LAST time we decide to travel around to so many places on Christmas!  Next year I'm looking forward to a fun morning at home opening our gifts from Santa... and then staying home to play with said gifts for hours upon hours.
Looking less than thrilled on Christmas Eve--Where's my Grinch?
Claire obviously received the best stuff.  On Christmas Eve we had a small get together and she received a copy of The Night Before Christmas, which we read before bedtime, along with How the Grinch Stole Christmas (which is still her favorite... I mean, you'd think someone not two months of age would not show preference, but she seems very happy hearing that book and looking at it's pictures.  Perhaps because they are black and white and red pictures, or maybe, just maybe, I make those voices the best).  
She also received some "educational" literature:

The White on Black book is a favorite that we are putting in our diaper bag for when we are out and would like to read.  The Mizzou 101 book is so she grows up being a smart, educated Tiger!
So then we readied ourselves for Christmas Day.  Claire wore a beautiful red, black, and white plaid dress (her first fancy outfit!) and we had a second dress in the waiting, just in case (and yes, eventually we spit up on the very nice dress).
A brief moment in the Santa hat and "Baby's first Christmas" bib and nice dress.  All will soon go to hell in favor of comfort!
But after a whole day of "Ho, Ho, Ho-ing" around town, Claire had quite the stash of gifts:
Claire's swag.  Note, most of the books DID come from me (I am the English teacher), but she also has lots of cool toys, too.  I'm partial to the stuffed animals, but she got a lot of great noise making toys, too.  Hours of fun (for us, very soon, I'm sure). 
These aren't even all of them!  We didn't throw in her outfits or other baby gifts that are really more for us.  And her Baby Einstein entertainment thingy is still at her grandparents' house--we didn't have room in the car!  Of the gifts so far we've played with the snail tummy time toy (which she LOVES!), her rattle ball, and we've read Green Eggs and Ham, a story from her big book, and the Dog book, which although I didn't think she'd really register what it was, perhaps she recognizes pugs, because she loved looking at it, especially when there was a page that had moving parts, then she'd look with big eyes and smile up at me.  

But her favorites?  The stuffed animals, of course!
It's like playing Where's Waldo
Here I am! 
She also surprised herself by hugging a few of the toys.  She doesn't know how to hug, I know this, but she grows more active with her hands and arms every day.  So in her flailing she got her arms right around Eeyore,  and surprised herself by giving him a big hug.  I had to laugh, because once she did it, she kept looking at him and doing it again.  I think she just liked the way he felt, but still, it's a start!
I like you, Eeyore, but Dad says I can't do any more than that until I'm 21. 
And here is Claire's accidental hug of the Grinch.  By this point, she realized we were taking great pleasure in something she was doing, so she's got a pretty smug look on her face!  We are just completely in love with Claire--what a great Christmas present to us to get to enjoy the holiday through her eyes!
Did you know he stole the last can of Who-Hash?  But then his heart grew three sizes, so he gave it back. 

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