Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Claire's Amazing Play Date!

Claire had her first official play date today!  My good friend Anna from work had her twins Zane and Keller just one week after Claire was born, so we decided it was about time we got these three together.  I've really been building this up for Claire, in hopes she would understand what I was talking about and also get excited just like I was. 
Claire's not quite sure what to think of Zane.  She kept looking at me to see what I thought.  Looking for approval in future boyfriends?  That's what I'm talking about....
 However, I don't think she really understood.  Still, at first she was pretty stoked to see two new babies to play with when we got to Anna's! ... and then... she burst into tears!  I was worried she "lied" about her naps (as she sometimes does, hanging out quietly in her crib instead of sleeping) and was crabby, but I sat her in my lap and she watched the boys intently for a few minutes and then off she went!
The play begins.
All three are right about the same level, with cute little differences that help remind me each baby is different.  Claire has teeth.  They do not.  She spits up all the time.  They're not spitters (so far this sounds like my baby sucks, eh?).  They can stand flat footed, she stands on her toes (I think this is because we've been discussing ballet, she's ready, right?).  They crawl about the same speed, but Claire can push herself up into a sitting position which she showed off, I wouldn't be surprised if they were practicing right now.  They babble the same language (except--how cute, Keller and Zane say "nana" which kind of sounds like "Anna", which cracked me up.  Thankfully my name is too hard for a baby to learn, so Claire can stick with "mama" for the time being). 
The separate corners.  Kind of reminded me of a fighting ring pre-match.
 For a while all three babies hung out in their separate areas, reaching around to steal "new" toys, since I brought some of Claire's to share.  Silly me, babies don't know the meaning of share, so she'd get mad, then they'd grab for something and she'd steal it back. 
She successfully stole Keller's ball.  He wasn't extremely angry, but he probably needs to understand that's the way girls work, rather than learn it later in life.
Claire also got to try a few firsts--she had her first Cheerio--which she quickly munched, then realized to her horror it was not her normal fruit puff, so she had to put on the gag-show for everyone.  We also decided to go out for some mommy time at a local frozen yogurt bar (have you tried these?  YUM!) and she took a few tastes of my raspberry froyo.  At first she wasn't a fan, but then she opened up wide!  That's my girl!
In the end, we're trying to decide who is going to be dating whom.  Claire liked both boys equally (she was quite enamored with Keller and his helmet (poor thing, he was stuck at a weird angle before he was born--you should see him out of it though, you can't tell the difference between the two!  And after seeing how handy it was for head bangs, I'm beginning to think Claire needs one!)). 
She really liked playing with both Zane's and Keller's hair.  Of course, Keller also had a nifty helmet, which she had to explore with her mouth, which sort of looked like kissing, so I wasn't okay with that.

This one's for the ladies.  He started to warm up to me.  SUCH a cutie.
Zane however had quite the charmer personality, as you can see in his pictures.  He's going to be a heart breaker, that's for sure! 
And look at THIS smile!  You couldn't wipe that grin off his face all day.  Zane is working on his ladies' man face.
Funniest part?  We got home and my dad came for a visit and she was babbling so I translated to tell him all about her two new friends, and Matt made her toy cell phone ring.  She snatched that thing up just like a boy was calling her and she didn't want us to know.  Oh dear... so it begins!
This is Claire, contemplating which boy she will date.  I've tried to explain to her she can't date until she's 30.  I don't think she's taking me seriously.

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