Thursday, August 4, 2011

Nine Months and Crawling

In her hunting outfit for Grandpa Greg
These past few months have been an amazing growth period for Claire.  Topping out at 19 lbs, she's gone from flailing on the floor to sitting, crawling, sitting up on her own, pulling herself up, and (today) tipping her giant toy bin over to get inside.  She's currently popping out four teeth on top (pleasant times for us, rest assured).  She is drooling terribly, hence the chapped spots on her cheeks and chin you may notice in some photos. 
Baby's first Band-aid.  She fights fingernail trimming so this is the end result when she scratches herself and bleeds like a stuck pig!
Claire started getting ready to crawl right around July 10th.  She's been on her way ever since.  I've spent many of my days creating improvised baby boarders for the living room to keep her out of even more trouble--and we've childproofed!  Still, it doesn't stop her from crawling over to our computers or crawling over to the always scary fireplace or end tables.
 But see?  Despite injury, she's happy as can be!
As far as clothes go, Claire is still pretty true to size.  Some of her well-worn 6-9 t-shirts seem tight, but others still have room to grow.  I had to unsnap her diapers to the largest size since she's got a little pot belly, but many a mommy has assured me that she'll slim way down once she learns to walk, and I'll be resnapping those diapers in no time. 
Crawling WITH toy.  Talent.
Claire plays and crawls a lot.  In the pool she kicks and paddles and even planks when I'm trying to get her to float.  She's loving it!  She eats finger foods (although each additional new finger food is initiated with the standard gag, cough, and grimace show). 
Our 9 month photo shoot took on a distinct "fall" feel, even in the beginning of August!
She also has figured out her sippy cup.  Unfortunately, her understanding of the cup means she must lay down to drink out of it so she can tip it back easily.  So, it's not a real "on the go" treat.  She also mastered that "no spill" bowl.  Meaning, that's not a no-spill bowl, thank you very much!
Crawling full speed for the computer cord
Claire is gearing up to head back to school full time on the 15th.  I'm dreading it because I'll miss being stay at home mommy, but I know every Wednesday when she's there she has so much fun, I feel bad keeping her from it.  I do know we'll have to create a new routine when she goes back.  Right now we have a very set routine of naps and activity and eating.  Then she goes to daycare and is so excited and naps for maybe thirty minutes.  When she gets home she'll crash and be in bed before 6, which is crazy. 
She was actually clapping holding on to that leaf.  That leaf got more love and attention than any of her real toys.
Claire also can clap regularly, sometimes wave, and sometimes shakes her head no (which is quite sassy).  She responds to her name fairly well, usually flashing a "What, ME?" look of innocence.
This is that "what, ME?" face.  Or, Dramatic Claire is dramatic, if you will.
She's been going back and forth saying "momma" and "dada" then not saying anything again.  She also said "hi" to a few people, who were quite excited that this cute little baby said hi to a perfect stranger!  
Happy Baby

We're looking forward to Claire starting to do more standing and even start to, dare I say it, walk.  She's such an amazing cutie and we're so blessed to have her for a daughter.  She makes this parenting thing almost seem easy!
This is my favorite picture.  Look how perfect she looks!

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