Sunday, February 19, 2012

NASCAR Returns, and an Open Letter to Dale Jr....

This is one of my favorite blogs.  I crack up at her drawings and stories.  So I decided to take a page from her and illustrate the combined joy and desperation/depression/anger, etc., that comes with NASCAR season and take to my blog to write an open letter to Dale Jr. 

We are a house divided.  I am a loyal Tony Stewart fan (have been since Home Depot, baby!).  Matt is a loyal Dale/Dale Jr. fan. 
Last year we spent a lot of races angry because both our drivers did a lot of stupid things.  Then, something miraculous happened... Tony started winning races...

And while Jr. still wasn't winning... Tony went and won half the races in last year's Chase for the Cup...
And then Tony had the nerve to win (in a tie breaker, Matt will never let me forget he only "tied" but won on a technicality .... of more winnings... but I'll get locked out if I say that) the NASCAR championship.  Dale Jr. sadly placed 7th.   

So during the off season, Matt watched a lot of classic NASCAR races to relive the glory years of when Jr. was a top driver and he became a fan...
But then soon the season started gearing up and talking about Jr.'s win-less streak and things got kind of ugly around the house.
Because when you talk losers, you have to talk winners, and guess whose favorite driver did a lot of winning last year?
And then, the Bud Shootout happened, and even though Tony didn't win, he almost won, which is good enough for me because I just like Tony.  He's kind of my NASCAR husband.  He should definitely hang out with me sometime and I'll buy him one of those Schlitz things he drinks.
So now we're gearing up for the season opener, Daytona.  I've heard about 100 times that this is Jr's year.  I've heard about 100 times that Tony won't get hit by lightening twice and Danica sucks and it's all Tony's fault.  And then Matt brings up again how Jr will probably win Daytona.  So.  Here's the letter...

Dear Dale Jr, 
I know there are a lot of things involved with winning.  Sometimes after we haven't won in a long time, we start feeling down about things and then winning gets even harder.  However, winning feels better than anything.  Real wins are even better than "moral victories" because that's just a code word for "I lost again, but I didn't lose as bad as I usually do" and that doesn't do me any favors for the week.  

I don't care that by winning a few races Tony can't win those races.  Even though I love Tony (and I really really do love him), I also love my husband and I love a happy household.  You have a lot of fans who are very loyal to you.  My father-in-law loves you, too.  A lot of people (namely Matt and his father) will be very happy when you win.  And then I'll have this whole week of happiness... and if you win again the next week, that'll be TWO weeks of happiness (in the meantime, Tony, you'd better be getting second place... or else).  

You don't have to win the championship.  You just need to win a few races this year.  And not lame Nationwide races, either, those don't count.  I'm talking Cup races.  I'm talking Daytona.  So.  I need you to win.  I don't care how you do it.  Bribes.  Whoppers laced with laxatives.  Lock the port-a-potties.   Throw thumb tacks out on the track.  Win Daytona.  

Yours in winning,


PS... I know this seems monumental, but we will totally buy you beer and tell you wonderful stories and hang off your every word (and bring Tony, because I'm going to need something to do, too).  My cousin Kyle changes tires, he can totally make this happen.  So win.  Please and thank you.

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