Sunday, January 1, 2012


 So I'll bite.  I've watched for a year while people I know did their Project 52s, and I figured after I did my beautiful collage (of nearly only Claire pictures, eek!) that I could stand to take the camera and do more than just take another picture of her playing.  So I decided that for a positive (and fun positive, not like the "it's positive to lose weight" positive) new year's resolution, I'd start trying to document more of what is going on around here in a fun little Project 52 of my own.
The first installment is our kitchen project.  All of it started with some canisters.  I SHOULD have taken a picture of them, since three pretty red canisters caused the kitchen to go through a whirlwind this week, but I decided instead to capture the last step.  We put the flour and sugar in canisters, which meant I could put my cookbooks in that cabinet, which took them off the counter.  So I used that space to move the mixer.  Then the lovely wooden trash can we have broke, so we moved the microwave off of it and got a new one.  Then we had to move the china cabinet after I felt like we were too cramped at this year's Christmas Eve dinner that I host.  So somehow that all lead to--get a pot rack and get rid of the rest of the clutter!  We have pretty new pots and pans from our anniversary last year, so it's not shameful to put them out for others to see, and I kind of like the way it looks--so shiny and like a real professional kitchen.  Since we've "remodeled" I've even been in the kitchen doing what I used to do best--finding recipes, throwing stuff together, making delicious food!   So to celebrate, now not only do our pots and pans hang in the kitchen, but so do I.  Here's hoping 2012 will be a treat to capture on film!

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