Saturday, November 5, 2011

Claire Turns One!

Claire at one... adorable photo by Heather Lynn Photography.
 Claire turned one this past Thursday.  We have no idea where this year went, but now I realize all I have to do is blink and she'll be an adult, so I am happy to have such a wonderful year of memories.

One of the better family photos--except my neck is being torn to shreds by Claire's death grip on my necklace!
 We had her party today because on her real birthday, she had a doctor's appointment (and four shots) instead.  We also did a one year photo shoot with Claire last Sunday so we'd have some good photos to show around at her party (or eleven minutes of photos, to be exact).
I love Claire's cute Abby hair bow!  I can't believe she just wore it and left it alone!
Claire has a record of walking five steps.  She was at three all week, and then she really stepped it up last night and would have made it farther than five, but my big feet were in her way.  She's really into feeding herself these days, but not always so handy with her fork and spoon--unless it's sticky she has trouble getting it to her mouth without spilling first.  She also started eating "big kid food" at daycare.  We no longer pack her meals (turns out we never needed too, but apparently the day care thought we were crazy into organics or something and never offered their baby food to us... drat!)
Claire's cake smash photo shoot--I have to post about my chair remodel.  The chair she is in is actually my high chair from when I was a baby!  I had to do a lot to it to make it usable.  Gotta say I like the newfangled ones with dishwasher safe trays, though!
Mmmm CAKE!
For Claire's birthday we decided to go for an Abby Cadabby theme from Sesame Street.  It's her favorite character and even the pediatrician loves the fact we watch the show with her and since the songs and ask questions--she says that's great! (take THAT folks who say I'm wrong for letting her watch!)  But anyway, she really recognizes Abby.  She even took off from playing in her room when she heard the song come on TV once.  We also got all of the Abby party supplies on clearance, and you can't argue with that logic!
Is it strange every time I look at the pictures we took of the cake my hand starts to hurt?  I need to work on my finger strength!
I decorated the Abby cake myself--it wasn't even the cake she was going to eat!!  I used to do cake decorating once upon a time, and my grandmother was an accomplished cake decorator who even made wedding cakes for people.  In my family we have a standard birthday cake that is of her creation with homemade everything (this cake takes like a straight two hours of making--cake by scratch, homemade custard, strawberries, cream, and royal icing and coconut--wow!).  I thought about making it, but I realized she wouldn't have a cake smash with just a slice of cake!  So I'll save that for when she can truly appreciate the deliciousness, and I decorated an Abby cake instead.  More cake for everyone, too, so thank GOODNESS I made this cake!  I've definitely got this one down--my first one looked like Abby had a bit of a tan.  I think I really nailed the colors this time, if I do say so myself.
Claire's special cake for birthday smashing.
It's not a successful birthday until you have cake from head to toe, literally.
Claire on her way to her bath--she grew tired of eating cake and tried to paint the windows instead.
Claire had a lot of wonderful family and friends come to celebrate her first year.  I was overwhelmed (in a good way) by how many people came.  I forget we have friends sometimes with how much we stay home with her, but it's nice to know everyone is still here for us.  I'm hoping as she gets bigger, it'll be easier for us to get out a little more.  Maybe I'm just selfish with my time though, but I can't think of anything better than being around her.  I'm probably the most boring person in the world.
The only present Claire attempted to open.
Matt and I agonized over what gifts to get Claire because we wanted this year to be special.  Well, Matt did console me that really the first birthday is all about parents showing off and not for the kid (true, I think, but at least we did all Claire-centered activities).  Unfortunately Claire's favorite presents ended up being a Sesame Street lunch box holding a DVD, some plastic fish for bath time, and wrapping paper.  After her big nap post-party though she really was exploring the new toys.  We have a teapot, fridge/oven, clock, blocks, shape sorter, puzzles, a sock monkey and this cat thing that I find strangely mesmerizing (and so does Claire, apparently, she's been dragging it around), and she got some other stuffed stuff--including a pug (thrown aside) and an Abby (thrown aside... blast!).  Great Grandma Duckett also got Claire a beautiful diamond cross necklace.  I'm a little jealous, but will keep it safe for her until she's reliable enough to wear a necklace of that caliber! 
Sesame Street lunch box with DVD.  Who'd have guessed she was that excited.
The gifts.
The fish--the big hit from the birthday loot--again... why didn't I think of that!?
She also got a lot of wonderful clothes and her first two pairs of shoes.  I don't care if she can walk or not, she's wearing shoes the next time we go anywhere!  My mom also bought us a new shelf for all of Claire's goodies.  We've been excited about this for a while.  It's a nice way to keep the living room a little neater with her (giant) collection of toys.
Finally, Matt got Claire a 3/4 Strat Hello Kitty guitar.  Granted she can't play it yet, but we're calling it a legacy gift--a gift of "talent" that we'd like to pass down to her.  And as far as talent, guitar playing is a lot cooler than me giving her some crochet hooks and cake decorating tips.  :)

We are just so thankful to have our family and friends--they've been 100% supportive for this first year.  And of course we are thankful for our (not so) little Claire.  She brightens every day and makes us laugh a hundred different ways.  It's been an amazing year, and I miss every minute of it.  But I have so many more minutes to look forward to, it's hard not to be excited about what's to come.  Happy birthday, Claire!

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